Update: Applications are closed! Holiday Art + Craft Market!

photo by Eleanor Gorman
It's time to apply for our 2022 Holiday Art + Craft Market! Don't wait too long - applications are only open for three weeks and will close at the end of the day (midnight) on August 22nd. Details are on the FAQs page of our website. Have questions? Check out the FAQs page and you will find most of what you need to know there. We also recommend that you check out our list of handy application tips before applying.
We'll have about 200 booths of handmade goods and art at the Oregon Convention Center the second full weekend in December, just in time for people to finish up their holiday shopping!
Crafty Wonderland Holiday Art + Craft Market
Pre-Show Ticketed Shopping Event
Friday, Dec 9th 5:00-9:00pm
Free and Open to the Public
Sat, Dec 10th + Sun, Dec 11th
10:00am - 6:00pm*
*(Hours may change slightly.)
at the Oregon Convention Center
Exhibit Hall D
777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd in Portland, OR
PLEASE NOTE: Participation in the Friday night ticketed shopping party is mandatory for all vendors! People can buy tickets in order to shop early for first pick of your goods and without the huge crowds. It's going to be AWESOME! This means that ALL VENDORS will be REQUIRED to load in and set their booth up completely between 9am and 3pm on Friday, December 9th and to have their booths open that evening during the event from 5-9pm. Please make note of this and arrange your schedule accordingly. Again, this is REQUIRED and is the ONLY time slot where vendors can load in.
Click Here to Read the FAQs and Apply!
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