50 Button Mystery Mega Bundle!
Is your denim jacket desperately in need of some flair? Do you want a bunch of party favors to hand out to your friends? Do you want to look like Oregon TV legend Ramblin Rod? If you answered yes to any of these questions then the 50 BUTTON MYSTERY MEGA BUNDLE is for you!
We have compiled these fun bundles that consist of a mixture of FIFTY ASSORTED BUTTONS from local button maker, Badge Bomb! Designs will vary (thus the mystery) and will be a mixture of 1" and 2" buttons. Buttons retail for $1 - $2 so at $38 this bundle is a swell deal!
**Please note that some of the buttons are adult in nature (no swear words, just sassy puns) so if this is meant for a kid just let us know and we will make sure we keep it G-rated!