art+craft markets, Virtual Market
November Schedule of Instagram Live Events

Each of our vendors will be LIVE on their own Instagram for at least 30 minutes on Saturday, November 28th during the Virtual Market from 11am-2pm PST! Check out the schedule below! Click on the Instagram links to visit each person's live segment. And be sure to check the @craftywonderland Instagram page throughout the event. We will be highlighting our artists and posting about the happenings!
11:00 - 11:30 am
Altar PDX - clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @shop_altar
Mock QVC home shopping network.
Amy Wing Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @amywingdesigns
Studio tour, showing you my newest work & talking about my inspiration! I have created a new charm with all profits going to Feeding America.
Angela Raines Art - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @angelarainesart
Gather the kiddos! I will be reading from my new children’s book The Life of a Tree. Any orders received Saturday receive a free hand painted ornament and are entered into a raffle for an original 5” x 5” painting!
Annabelle Taylor Co. - accessories, home decor/plants - Instagram:
Showing & selling some lovely hand crafted clay earrings! Auctioning two pairs of earrings to Out To Pasture Sanctuary.
Attic Journals - cards/books - Instagram: @atticjournals
Unboxing new discards for immediate purchase! Plus, studio tour!
Berkley Illustration - art/prints - Instagram: @theberkleys
We'll have a booth set up and give you a tour of the goods!
Bossa Nova Dreams - home decor/plants, jewelry - Instagram: @bossa_nova_dreams
Showing and selling new work in a pre-recorded video posted to Instagram. Donating 20% of sales to Color of Change.
Chicken Coop Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @chickencoopbotanicals
Holiday gift tour, create a Temple Balm and Bath Salts for winter months. Donating 20% of sales goes to Equitable Giving Circle.
Christa Pierce Paper Goods - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @christapierce_papergoods
Studio tour and new product show and tell.
Factory 43 - art/prints, clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @factory43design
Live process demo / Q&A. Donating 10% of poster sales to the National Park Foundation.
Forge and Fire - jewelry - Instagram: @forgeandfire
Studio tour and I'll do a live demo of torch-firing enamel on copper.
Gloasters - home decor/plants - Instagram: @gloasters
Come meet the quirky Gloaster family of coasters in Ms. Gloaster's studio.
Hazy Dell Press - cards/books, children's items - Instagram: @hazydellpress
Live story time and artist Q&A.
Hi, Hello There - accessories, art/prints - Instagram: @hihellothereco
Book reading and Drawing Session!
Jeanette Zeis Ceramics - ceramics/glass, home decor/plants - Instagram: @jeanettezeis
Studio tour - wheel throwing demonstration - live pottery decorating - AMA.
Little Canoe - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @little_canoe
A tour of my van studio and discussing what it's like to work from the road.
michele maule - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @michelemaule
I will be showing off my virtual craft booth.
Mle Jay - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @mlejay
Join M.L.E. live as she paints a watercolor wooden bookmark for a giveaway!
Rough Cut Soap Co. - bath + body - Instagram: @roughcutsoapco
Live tour of our retail shop highlighting some of our favorite makers! Auctioning off a gift box to benefit Give A Little Foundation.
Spalted Home - home decor/plants, kits/patterns - Instagram: @spaltedhome
Show and tell! Answers to your top questions! Exclusive offers!
SOPHIE’S CHAPTER - Friends of Doernbecher - accessories, ceramics/glass - Instagram: None. Please visit website.
Christmas ornaments: all funds for Doernbecher Children's Hospital research.
Texture Clothing - accessories, clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @textureclothing
Factory tour, including the Showroom. Donating 10% of sales to the Oregon Food Bank.
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
20 Leagues - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @20leagues
DIORAMA THEATER PRESENTS: The (scale-model) 20 Leagues Shopping Network! A portion of proceeds will be donated to the amazing Oregon Food Bank.
Alshiref Design and Print - accessories, clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @alshiref_design
Studio tour and selling new collection. Donating 14% to NAACP PDX.
Candy Frost Design - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @candyfrostdesign
Showing and selling new floral designs in my studio.
dorklandia - jewelry, plush - Instagram: @dorklandia
Showing cat plushies and new accessories! Donating 10% of sales to Oregon Humane Society.
Final Switchback - art/prints - Instagram: @final_switchback
Live ornament painting.
Iron Oxide Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @ironoxidedesigns
Studio Tour + Black Friday Sale and very special giveaway! 25% of NOV profit donated to Outside In.
Mle Jay - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @mlejay
Join M.L.E. live as she paints a watercolor wooden bookmark for a giveaway!
Oomph Cooking Blends - food/candy - Instagram: @oomphcooking
Fun recipe hacks & a delicious holiday classic using our Holiday Blends.
Pursuesilver - jewelry - Instagram: @pursuesilver
Studio tour and how I make my silver clay pieces.
Sherry Bingaman textiles - accessories, kits/patterns - Instagram: @sherrybingaman
Demonstration with my Fiesta Loom weaving kit! Cool project examples, too.
SimpleBeans - home decor/plants, jewelry - Instagram: @simplebeanspdx
A tour of products and demonstration of a macrame gift topper ornament. Donating 10% of all sales to the Black Resilience Fund.
Ten2Midnight Studios - home decor/plants, jewelry - Instagram: @ten2midnightstudios
Showing the details & process of the new suncatcher & home decor products.
Victory Garden of Tomorrow - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @victorygardenoftomorrow
Showing off my new 2021 vegan calendar right here in the design studio.
Yarnarchy - kits/patterns, knit/crochet items - Instagram: @yarnarchy
Spinning and dyeing demo. Donating 10% of sales to Finney Farm Seed Distro.
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
A Tea Leaf - accessories, jewelry - Instagram: @atealeaf
I'll be doing a live Q&A, jewelry making, and studio tour! Come say hi! Donating 10% of sales of my Portland Map jewelry to Taking Ownership PDX.
Chicken Coop Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @chickencoopbotanicals
Holiday gift tour, create a Temple Balm and Bath Salts for winter months. Donating 20% of sales goes to Equitable Giving Circle.
Elise Miller Art - wood housewares/furniture - Instagram: elisethedado
Carving demonstration and showing how to carve a spoon.
Flix Wix Candles - candles - Instagram: @flix_wix_candles
Get your CRAFTY discount code during our Flix Wix Candles studio tour! Donating 10% of sales to Black Resilience Fund of PDX.
Illustrated Playing Cards - art/prints - Instagram: @illustratedplayingcards
Tour my art studio and Travel by Playing Cards.
Jones Supply Company - accessories, purses/totes - Instagram: @jonessupplycompany
Walk-through of our latest collection and studio tour!
Juanita - art/prints - Instagram: @juanitasvelvet
Studio Tour, Showing current work and a Painting demo. Donating 30% of sales to World Central Kitchen.
Lizzy Dalton Art - art/prints - Instagram: @lizzydaltonart
Studio tour and talk about my materials and techniques. Donating a percentage of sales from select prints to Don't Shoot PDX.
Marshmueller - accessories, children's items - Instagram: @marshmueller
Holly will be going live with a studio tour & sewing some of her products. Donating a percentage of sales to Astoria Arts + Movement Center.
OTTI (formerly SaltyandSweet Design) - home decor/plants, jewelry - Instagram: @ottigoods
Let's get MODULAR: Customize your own earring design live with Andrea!
Petrified Forest Pottery - ceramics/glass - Instagram: @petrifiedforestpottery
Showing my radically altered handmade mugs and answering questions!
Seagrape Apothecary - art/prints, bath + body - Instagram: @seagrapeapothecary
Self-care tour! Using a variety of goodies in daily pleasure rituals.
Stephanie Hatch Art & Accessories - accessories, art/prints - Instagram: @stephaniemariehatch
I will showcase my art, revealing my inspiration and creative process. Sale of selected original art will go to the Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project.
The Candy Apothecary - food/candy - Instagram: @thecandyrx
Behind the scenes kitchen work and candy prep! Donating 10% of sales to Black Resilience Fund.
The Rex Apothecary - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @therexapothecary
Join me as I make Spirit Element Candles with fresh flowers & herbs.
Thomas Webb Fine Art and Illustration - art/prints - Instagram: @webbitup
Tour Webbitup Studio and watch Gouache and Ink Resist Demo with instruction.
Tuesday Shop - clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @_tuesdayshop
Live shopping at the Tuesday Shop headquarters.
Westward Whiskey - distilled spirits/wine - Instagram: @westwardwhiskey
Cocktail Class
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
A Tea Leaf - accessories, jewelry - Instagram: @atealeaf
I'll be doing a live Q&A, jewelry making, and studio tour! Come say hi! Donating 10% of sales of my Portland Map jewelry to Taking Ownership PDX.
Bossa Nova Dreams - home decor/plants, jewelry - Instagram: @bossa_nova_dreams
Showing and selling new work in a pre-recorded video posted to Instagram. Donating 20% of sales to Color of Change.
Illustrated Playing Cards - art/prints - Instagram: @illustratedplayingcards
Tour my art studio and Travel by Playing Cards.
Lizzy Dalton Art - art/prints - Instagram: @lizzydaltonart
Studio tour and talk about my materials and techniques. Donating 10% of sales to the ACLU.
Momo Cocoa Co - food/candy - Instagram: @momo_cocoa_co
Cocoa demos, history of cocoa and ask me anything! 20% of sales will go to Out to Pasture Sanctuary.
Nicole Mark Photography - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @nicole_mark
Tinyhouse Studio Tour with some gorgeous footage of me shooting on misty cliffs and ocean, forest, and desert scenes! 10% of direct sales will be donated to BARK of Mt. Hood.
Thomas Webb Fine Art and Illustration - art/prints - Instagram: @webbitup
Tour Webbitup Studio and watch Gouache and Ink Resist Demo with instruction.
Totinette bijoux - jewelry - Instagram: @totinette_bijoux
Showing and selling my newest designs and top picks for holiday gifts in a pre-recorded video on Instagram. Donating 20% of sales to NAYA (Native American Youth and Family Center).
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @1byliz
Showing new work and a glimpse into the custom map clock design process.
33 Books Co. - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @33booksco
I'll be mixing up cocktails from my gorgeous letterpress cocktail prints.
Adrienne Vita - art & crystals - art/prints - Instagram: @adriennevita
Show & sell of art & crystals with live Oracle & Tarot reading too!
Branch+Barrel Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @branchandbarreldesigns
Showing and selling our new line of jewelry and discusing our process. Buy one plant one tree! One tree planted per item sold.
Bread and Badger - ceramics/glass, home decor/plants - Instagram: @breadandbadger
Production demo and showing how to use our mugs for meditation.
Chicken Coop Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @chickencoopbotanicals
Holiday gift tour, create a Temple Balm and Bath Salts for winter months. Donating 20% of sales goes to Equitable Giving Circle.
dorklandia - jewelry, plush - Instagram: @dorklandia
Showing cat plushies and new accessories! Donating 10% of sales to Oregon Humane Society.
Flix Wix Candles - candles - Instagram: @flix_wix_candles
Get your CRAFTY discount code during our Flix Wix Candles studio tour! Donating 10% of sales to Black Resilience Fund of PDX.
Jahna Vashti Fine Art - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @jahnavashti
Win the original that I will be painting live! Auctioning off an original painting with 100% of money to benefit Partnership With Native Americans.
PakHye Goods - jewelry - Instagram: @pakhyegoodsjewelry
We will show our current collection and specials for the holiday season!
Roman Ruby Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @romanrubybotanicals
Making skin therapy cream and talking about my newest luxury candle collection. Donating 20% off proceeds to The Black Resilience Fund.
Sunny Cat Designs - clothing/t-shirts, home decor/plants - Instagram: @sunnycatdesigns
Visit Sunny Cat Designs virtual pop-up shop!
The Paper Mama - accessories, jewelry - Instagram: @thepapermama
Join me on Instagram to see how I create a beaded daisy chain necklace!
Twofour Manufacturing - art/prints - Instagram: @kenntwofour
I will be doing a studio tour and a screenprinting on wood demo.
Willow Ship - home decor/plants, purses/totes - Instagram: @willowship
Showing our Fall line of block printed textiles + printing demos! Donating 10% of sales to Portland's Black Resilience Fund.
Wit & Pepper - jewelry - Instagram: @witandpepper
Live shopping of newest collection.
xobruno - accessories, purses/totes - Instagram: @xobruno
We will be doing a studio/shop tour. Donating 10% of all sales to SELF ENHANCEMENT INC.
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
33 Books Co. - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @33booksco
I'll be mixing up cocktails from my gorgeous letterpress cocktail prints.
Adrienne Vita - art & crystals - art/prints - Instagram: @adriennevita
Show & sell of art & crystals with live Oracle & Tarot reading too!
Art by Ciara - accessories, art/prints - Instagram: @artbyciara
Meet the artist and see my newest designs! Donating 10% to Feeding America to help food banks feed our communities.
Botica Botanica - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @botica_botanica
Product-making demo and info about the benefits of herbs/ingredients used. Donating 5% of sales to Oregon Wild.
Ilee Papergoods - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @ileepapergoods
Showing and selling our newest calendars.
Little Gold Fox Designs - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @little_gold_fox
New Studio Tour and possibly an appearance from my pretty kitty! 15% of sales go to BARK: Defending & Restoring Mt Hood National Forest.
Minter Goods - accessories, children's items - Instagram: @mintergoods
Sewing rope baskets + a LIVE SALE of my one-of-a-kind ombré dyed baskets. Donating 10% of sales to The Pike Place Market Foundation.
Rose Roots Design Studio - ceramics/glass, jewelry - Instagram: @roserootspdx
New Stock Show and Tell.
Studio Catawampus - art/prints - Instagram: @studiocatawampus
Live colored pencil illustration! I will donate 20% of sales to Don't Shoot Portland.
The Bitter Housewife - food/candy - Instagram: @thebitterhousewife
Cocktails/mocktails with The Bitter Housewife herself, Genevieve Brazelton.
See the full vendor list here!
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