art+craft markets, shop online, Virtual Market
October Schedule of Live Events

October Virtual Market
Schedule of Instagram Live Events
Each of our vendors will be LIVE on their own Instagram for at least 30 minutes on Saturday, October 24th during the Virtual Market from 11am-2pm PST! Check out the schedule below! Click on the Instagram links to visit each person's live segment. And be sure to check the @craftywonderland Instagram page throughout the event. We will be highlighting our artists and posting about the happenings!
11:00 - 11:30 am
Berkley Illustration - art/prints - Instagram: @theberkleys
We'll introduce our new animal friends & show creative ways to frame prints.
Bluce Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @blucedesigns
Ready to ship Jewelry and Studio Tour.
Bossa Nova Dreams - home decor/plants, jewelry - Instagram: @bossa_nova_dreams
Showing and selling new work in a pre-recorded video posted to Instagram. Donating 20% of sales to Common Cause.
Bread and Badger - ceramics/glass, home decor/plants - Instagram: @breadandbadger
Showing how to use our carved ceramic mugs for meditation.
Candy Frost Design - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @candyfrostdesign
Working in my studio and showing new work.
Chicken Coop Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @chickencoopbotanicals
Showing current remedies and plant magic. Donating to the Equitable Giving Circle.
Christa Pierce Paper Goods - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @christapierce_papergoods
Unable to go live due to a family emergency, but please shop her website and send her some love!
dorklandia - jewelry, plush - Instagram: @dorklandia
Showing cat plushies and new accessories!
Fernworks - art/prints, jewelry - Instagram: @fernworks
Featuring new resin jewelry designs and original art for sale in my studio. Donating 15% of sales to The Racial Justice Coalition in Asheville, NC.
Hazy Dell Press - cards/books, children's items - Instagram: @hazydellpress
Halloween story time followed by author Q&A.
Lion & Rose - bath + body - Instagram: @lionandrosesoap
Demonstrating how to make a batch of soap from beginning to end!
Marshall's Haute Sauce - food/candy - Instagram: @marshallshautesauce
Tour of our garden and kitchen and discuss fun ways to use our sauces. A donation will be made to the Equitable Giving Circle.
Oregon Coast Wasabi - food/candy - Instagram: @oregoncoastwasabi
Wasabi farm tour and recipes with our wasabi rhizome and seasoning salts.
Rose Roots Design Studio - ceramics/glass, jewelry - Instagram: @roserootspdx
I’ll host a short live sale with new designs.
Salty Raven - children's items, clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @saltyraven
Studio Tour of my products plus a live reading of my Flock of Gerrys book. Donating a percentage of all sales to ACLU.
Texture Clothing - clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @textureclothing
Mono Printing on the road! Teresa will show her printing process. Donating 10% of sales to the Oregon Food Bank.
Totinette bijoux - jewelry - Instagram: @totinette_bijoux
Showing and selling my newest designs in a pre-recorded video on Instagram. Donating 20% of sales to Color of Change.
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
20 Leagues - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @20leagues
Tall tales and Fall sales live from the 20 Leagues mothership! Fun for all!
Bluce Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @blucedesigns
Ready to ship Jewelry and Studio Tour.
Color Therapy Glass - ceramics/glass - Instagram: @color_therapy_glass
Showing how to design and make a stained glass window.
Gioiellini Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @gioiellinidesigns
Showing how I make my latest wire hoops collection.
N.D. Byma - cards/books, children's items - Instagram: @n.d.byma
Live book reading featuring my most popular stories! I will donate 1 new book to the Children's Book Bank for every 2 books sold.
PORTLAND BITTERS PROJECT - food/candy - Instagram: @pdxbitters
We'll show you how to make our four favorite cocktails and mocktails! Donating a portion of proceeds to World Central Kitchen!
Print Ritual - accessories, art/prints - Instagram: @print_ritual
Studio tour & screen printing session. Donating 20% of sales to Don't Shoot Portland.
Roman Ruby Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @romanrubybotanicals
I will make soap, having it ready for all the different stages. Donating 20% of sales to The Black Resilience Fund.
Rough Cut Soap Co. - bath + body - Instagram: @roughcutsoapco
Join me for a tour of our commercial kitchen! Making soap donations to help the local homeless teens stay healthy and clean.
Salty Raven - children's items, clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @saltyraven
Studio Tour of my products plus a live reading of my Flock of Gerrys book. Donating a percentage of all sales to ACLU.
SOPHIE’S CHAPTER - Friends of Doernbecher - accessories, ceramics/glass - Instagram: None. Please visit website.
Christmas ornaments: all funds for Doernbecher Children's Hospital research.
The Candy Apothecary - food/candy - Instagram: @thecandyrx
Kitchen tour, behind the scenes making candy, packaging. Donating 10% of sales to Black Resilience Fund.
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Amy Wing Designs - accessories, jewelry - Instagram: @amywingdesigns
Studio tour & showing how to create your own custom charm combinations!
bishopart - cards/books, home decor/plants - Instagram: @bishopart
I will be sewing, sculpting, painting or sketching. Let's chat while I do!
Funky Knits by Georgia - accessories, knit/crochet items - Instagram: @funkyknitsbygeorgia
Unboxing DIY knitting kits, showing plushies, hats, cacti, and gift ideas.
Gioiellini Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @gioiellinidesigns
Showing how I make my latest wire hoops collection.
Hot Mama Salsa - food/candy - Instagram: @hotmamasalsa
Cooking Demos - Let's Make Salsa!
Houha Designs - kits, patterns - Instagram: @houhadesigns
Show & tell. Tom will show our products & give you hints on model building.
Hustle Home Décor - home decor/plants - Instagram: @hustlehomedecor
Studio tour and live macramé demo! Donating 20% of sales from Saturday + Sunday to Brown Girl Rise!
Jones Supply Company - accessories, purses/totes - Instagram: @jonessupplycompany
Walk-through of our latest collection and discussion on recycled materials. Donating 10% of sales to NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Macrame by Leo - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @macramebyleora
Virtual shop tour and mini macrame decor tutorial! Donating 18% of proceeds to ACLU.
Marshmueller - accessories, children's items - Instagram: @marshmueller
Astoria, Oregon Studio Tour! 10% of sales will be donated to Consejo Hispano.
Mind Your Manna - food/candy, pet items - Instagram:
Meet our founder and learn more about Fire Ciders!
Rachel Beyer | Artist Apothecary - art/prints, candles - Instagram: @rachelbeyer
Demonstrating how to make a DIY Carved Pumpkin Soy Candle. Donating 15% of sales to Black Resilience Fund.
Rosemary, Salt + Thyme - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @rosemarysaltandthyme
Showing + selling our newest collection live from our joint studios. Auctioning off a bundle to benefit the Oregon Food Bank.
The Vital Element - accessories, jewelry - Instagram: @thevitalelement
Studio & showroom tour + live sale! Preview items at Item auction + 10% of profits will be donated to Camp ELSO!
Tuesday Shop - clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @_tuesdayshop
Live shopping with owner and designer Rian.
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
Aii Crafts - art/prints, ceramics/glass - Instagram: @_aida_newman_
Showing and selling new products and Q&A about me and my work.
Bossa Nova Dreams - home decor/plants, jewelry - Instagram: @bossa_nova_dreams
Showing and selling new work in a pre-recorded video posted to Instagram. Donating 20% of sales to Common Cause.
Chicken Coop Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @chickencoopbotanicals
Showing current remedies and plant magic. Donating to the Equitable Giving Circle.
Juanita - art/prints - Instagram: @juanitasvelvet
Studio Tour - Showing the studio and showing how I start a painting.
Gioiellini Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @gioiellinidesigns
Showing how I make my latest wire hoops collection.
Theresa Arrison - ceramics/glass, home decor/plants - Instagram: @tarrison13
Carving a variety of ceramic goodies. Donating 20% to Crafting the Future.
Totinette bijoux - jewelry - Instagram: @totinette_bijoux
Showing and selling my newest designs in a pre-recorded video on Instagram. Donating 20% of sales to Color of Change.
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Adrienne Vita - art & crystals - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @adriennevita
Show & sell art & crystals and a LIVE Tarot & oracle reading with me!
Aii Crafts - art/prints, ceramics/glass - Instagram: @_aida_newman_
Showing and selling new products and Q&A about me and my work.
Candy Frost Design - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @candyfrostdesign
Working in my studio and showing new work.
Flix Wix Candles - candles - Instagram: @flix_wix_candles
The Creative process behind our Candles - tapping into inspiring Flames! Donating 10% of sales to Black Resilience Fund of PDX.
Gioiellini Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @gioiellinidesigns
Showing how I make my latest wire hoops collection.
Hi, Hello There - accessories, art/prints - Instagram: @hihellothereco
Live drawing session.
K Dee Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @kdeedesigns
Pre-recorded video! I plan to do an online tour of my booth with a number of new designs.
Olander Earthworks - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @olanderearthworks
A look at how our spheres are made and some of our current favorite combos. 10% of the day's sales will go to Soul District.
Old Salt Merchants - food/candy - Instagram: @oldsaltmerchants
Old Salt Merchants will host a cocktail hour using our products. Donating 10% of sales to Color of Change.
PakHye Goods - jewelry - Instagram: @pakhyegoodsjewelry
We will be doing a live viewing of our current collection.
Sherry Bingaman textiles - accessories, kits/patterns - Instagram: @sherrybingaman
Weaving demonstration using my Fiesta Loom weaving kit! Let's Weave! Donation of 20% of my sales to the Oregon Humane Society.
Willow Ship - home decor/plants, purses/totes - Instagram: @willowship
Showing our Fall line of block printed textiles + printing demos! Donating 10% of sales to Portland's Black Resilience Fund.
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Adrienne Vita - art & crystals - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @adriennevita
Show & sell art & crystals and a LIVE Tarot & oracle reading with me!
Aii Crafts - art/prints, ceramics/glass - Instagram: @_aida_newman_
Showing and selling new products and Q&A about me and my work.
Bearded Oregon - bath + body - Instagram: @beardedoregon
Tour of our new Retail Shop. Donating a mini soap for every large soap sold to a local homeless shelter.
Button Arcade - accessories, home decor/plants - Instagram: @buttonarcade
I will be showing off my booth and holding a question and answer session. 10% will be donated to Backpacks for the Street.
Catherine Lazar Odell - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @cat_odell
Studio Tour with Art Demo.
Chicken Coop Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @chickencoopbotanicals
Showing current remedies and plant magic. Donating to the Equitable Giving Circle.
Freeland Spirits - distilled spirits/wine - Instagram: @freelandspirits
Freeland will conduct a virtual tasting and cocktail demonstration! Donating 10% cocktail kit sales to our current Free Spirit's non profit.
Gioiellini Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @gioiellinidesigns
Showing how I make my latest wire hoops collection.
Goodos For Doggos - pet items - Instagram: @goodosfordoggos
Showcasing our products with a special appearance from our doggos!
Happy Handmade - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @happyhandmadeproducts
How to make your own perfume.
House of Spain - bath + body, food/candy - Instagram: @houseofspain.wellness
Pre-recorded video with cooking demos using our CBD infused Extra Virgin Olive Oil! We will be matching 10% of all sales to Black Foods NW.
Iron Oxide Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @ironoxidedesigns
Showing and selling the new collection! Make jewelry with me! Donating 25% of all Oct profit to Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO).
Jahna Vashti Fine Art - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @jahnavashti
Hang out with me in my studio! I'll show you my stuff. Donating 50% of print sales to Nat. Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
Nicole Mark Photography - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @nicole_mark
Film and Digital Art Prints. 10% of sales will be donated to Don't Shoot PDX.
Red Star Art - art/prints, jewelry - Instagram: @theamazingjustus
I will be in my studio talking about the different things that I make.
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