featured artist, Maker Monday, Month of Makers, Virtual Market
Maker Monday: Tripper Dungan

This Maker Monday we get to highlight our friend, Tripper Dungan, who makes amazing 3-D paintings! You may recognize his work from our craft markets - he usually has an awesome booth display along the back wall. We also have a small selection of his work in our retail shops, including the beloved cassette tapes. Tripper is participating in our December 12th Virtual Market! Catch him LIVE on his Instagram from 1:00 - 1:30 with an artwork showcase and painting/mumbling ASMR. You can also see more of his work on his website.
Astrological Sign: Taurus on the cusp of Aries
Favorite Color: Bubblegum pink
Favorite Food: Toast
Favorite Art Supply/Tool: My thin liner brush
How did you get started doing art as a business?
My first attempt at makin' money as an artist was when I was 13. I approached the weekly paper with a comic strip I made called “Childhood”. They very gently declined. Really, though, I started having shows at coffee shops and whatnot my freshman year in college and tried to keep my art on the walls every month if I could.
Do you have any advice for other people who are looking to grow their business and become a full time artist/crafter?
My approach has been to do the things that make me feel good, but keep humble enough to realize I’m here to help other people's dreams come true as well. Also, realize you will have to work very hard, so you better love it.
How has COVID changed the way your business works?
I was lucky enough to have an online presence and I’ve expanded on that. I really miss the face to face interactions with customers and lookie-loos. I’ve been doing a weekly Instagram live hour on Thursdays at 8, and that’s been nice. It does feel a little one-sided, although I do try to answer the questions in the comments.
Where do you find the most inspiration for your work?
I try and find inspiration everywhere, but to avoid being vague and boring I tend to find inspiration in vintage illustrations, packaging, and products. I’ve always loved patterns too. Recently I’ve renewed my love for psychedelic poster art.
How do you balance your business and your personal life?
It’s especially hard now being the stay at home parent, but I try and keep certain things constant like long talks at dinner with my family and movie night.
What is your COVID go-to guilty pleasure - either something you're reading, listening to, watching or eating?
I’ve been getting into mini synthesizer, believe it or not.
What artists are you loving these days?
David Choe has fascinated me for years. He’s got a real unmasked approach to what he does. Some of it’s pretty gnarly, but his lack of fear is inspiring. Femke Hiemstra has always been a favorite. Camille Rose Garcia is ever the badass too.
What are you doing to stay positive in these uncertain times?
I am pretty lucky to have a roof over my head and family that is still alive, so I’m just counting my blessings. And I'm working on being present.
You're stranded on a desert island and can bring three things with you - what are they?
A seaworthy boat, a million dollars, and more wishes. Ok, ok, in the spirit of the game I would bring a good saw with a way to charge it, paints and brushes, and something to make music with. Maybe a piano.
See more of Tripper's work on his website and Instagram!
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