News — Month of Makers
art+craft markets, Month of Makers, Virtual Market, Wednesday Project
Wednesday Project: Westward Whiskey Fall Spice Old Fashioned

For our final Wednesday Project in our Month of Makers we thought it would be fun to share with you a delicious cocktail recipe using ingredients from our vendors! Thank you to Westward Whiskey and Micah Anderson for this recipe! Westward Whiskey is participating in our Virtual Market this Saturday, December 12th! Join their LIVE cocktail class on their Instagram at 12:00pm PST!
Westward Whiskey Fall Spice Old Fashioned
Created by Micah Anderson
For nearly two decades, we have brought something new, different, and relevant to whiskey, and we are proud to serve as a leading voice for American Single Malt. Inspired by the unparalleled culture, climate, natural ingredients, and people of the American Northwest; we set out to make a whiskey of the elements-- and along the way, we called it Westward.
Just in time for the holidays, here's one of our favorite twists on a classic-- a Fall Spice Old Fashioned, created by Portland's own Micah Anderson. You can find Micah on Instagram at @coacha27.
* Westward American Single Malt Whiskey
* Portland Soda Works Ginger Syrup
* Portland Bitters Project Super Spice Bitters
* Large mixing glass & bar spoon
* Jigger or shot glass
* Strainer
* Old fashioned or rocks glass
* Ice
1. Add all ingredients to mixing glass.
2. Add ice and stir until well mixed and cold (about 20-30 seconds).
3. Strain over fresh ice into cocktail glass.
4. Garnish with a star anise pod and an orange twist (if you're feeling fancy).
See Westward Whiskey LIVE on their Instagram at 12:00
THIS SATURDAY, December 12th in our last Virtual Market of 2020!
They will be doing a cocktail class! Perfect for the holiday times!!
art+craft markets, featured artist, Maker Monday, Month of Makers, Virtual Market
Maker Monday: Ryan and Lucy of Berkley Illustration

For our fourth and final Maker Monday, we have chosen to highlight Ryan and Lucy of Berkley Illustration. Fun fact: we actually met Ryan on craigslist many years ago when we had a call out to illustrators to draw us as super heroes for another project! Berkley Illustration has drawn every single Crafty Wonderland show poster and all of our logos and printed collateral since we began in 2006!
You likely recognize Berkley Illustration's iconic animal portraits. They have been long time vendors of our craft markets and sell their work in both of our retail shops. You can see them LIVE on their Instagram at 11:00am in our December 12th Virtual Market! They will be setting up their booth at home and giving you a tour of their giftable goods! See all of their work and their full product offerings on their website!
Name: Ryan + Lucy Berkley
Astrological Sign: Ryan - Capricorn. Lucy - Libra
Favorite Color: Ryan - Silver, Lucy - Rainbow
Favorite Food: Ryan - Artichokes, Lucy - Potstickers
Favorite Art Supply/Tool: Ryan - Prismacolor Markers, Lucy - scissors
How did you get started doing art as a business?
We got our start at the first Crafty Wonderland! That was the first time we sold art as a product. We sure didn't realize we'd being doing it full time for the 10+ years that followed.
Do you have any advice for other people who are looking to grow their business and become a full time artist/crafter?
Thinking creatively about where you can show your work and don't limit yourself to one option. You never know where someone will find you.
How has COVID changed the way your business works?
We already worked for our home studio so that part was luckily not a disruption. Having two young kids at home the last nine months doing online learning, howev [What? Please don't yell. Come talk to me if you need something.] er, has been interesting [Yes, you can have a snack.] to say the least. The "funniest" thing is that we need to talk to each [Five minutes until small group!] other to brainstorm and strategize [I don't know where your headphones are. Where did you have them last?] but that has been a major challenge for some reason.
Where do you find the most inspiration for your work?
I'd say it's a solid mixture of real life nature and fake life vintage children's books.
How do you balance your business and your personal life?
Is there a difference? We aren't very good at this. Someone give us lessons after Covid please.
What is your COVID go-to guilty pleasure - either something you're reading, listening to, watching or eating?
Ryan - Black Box wine
Lucy - Watching The Office repeatedly to help me fall asleep.
What artists are you loving these days?
Bisa Butler (@bisabutler)
Naomi Anderson-Subryan (@naomiandersonsubryan)
The Tiny Pricks Project (@tinypricksproject)
And we love pretty much every piece of art from Illustoria Magazine (@illustoria_mag)
What are you doing to stay positive in these uncertain times?
Reminding ourselves to be truly thankful for what we have and how lucky we really are.
You're stranded on a desert island and can bring three things with you - what are they?
Ryan - Sleep mask, rum, sunscreen
Lucy - My family, our dog, and a friendly magical fairy.
See more of Berkley Illustration on their website and Instagram!
And catch them LIVE in our Virtual Market on Saturday, December 12th at 11:00am!
Thank you for following along with the Crafty Wonderland Month of Makers! Here is the third and final installment of our Month of Makers Holiday Gift Guides! We are highlighting another special collection of goods from our November + December Virtual Markets! Simply click on the photo to go directly to the item or click the business name to browse their entire website! Happy Shopping and stay tuned for more special features as we celebrate our makers between now and December 12th! |
Mister OKs
Willow Ship
Color Therapy Glass
Westward Whiskey
Bread and Badger
Art by Ciara
Alshiref Design
Month of Makers, Virtual Market, Wednesday Project
Wednesday Project: 2020 Detox Bath Salt by Happy Handmade

2020 Detox Bath Salt by Morgan Magras of Happy Handmade
Do you feel like you need to exorcise and detox 2020 out of your life for good? Well, you are not alone! While we still have a bit longer before this year is out of our lives, I’ve formulated this detoxifying bath salt to help your body reset, recuperate, and hopefully get rid of any bad juju it picked up in this trying year. Here is what you will need, I’ve included the percentages so it is very easy to scale, whether you want to make a small batch or enough for your whole city.
Epsom salt 30%
Himalayan salt 20%
Lavender flowers 10%
Calendula petals 10%
Oatmeal 20%
Kaolin clay 10%
Essential oils of your choice ( I picked Lavender, Lemon, and Pine)
Holy water (Optional)
Items needed:
Mixing bowl
Sachet bag
This bath salt is great for soothing and healing the skin too!
Put all dry ingredients in mixing bowl and mix thoroughly.
Add your desired essential oils. I found how much you should add is a personal preference. You can start with a few drops of each and go from there.
Put in a container (mason jars are great) and label.
There you have it, you are ready to enjoy your bath salts.
For easy cleaning up, I highly recommended using a sachet bag! Put 3 heaping tablespoons in the bag and put it in your bathwater. Most of the contents will dissolve but the flower petals will remain in the bag.
Essential oils, clay, sachet bags, and flowers

About Morgan:
I was given the opportunity, at a young age, to travel the world. I found myself enamored with the indigenous cultures that I encountered, and intrigued with their nature-based approaches to health, beauty, and body care.
The wonderful cultures in which I found myself immersed, used the simplest of methods with profound results. Learning hands-on approaches to harmonize, nourish, and heal the body has been an extraordinary gift in my life.
When I returned stateside and realized how disconnected society had become from nature, and how complicated and adulterated even “natural” products had gotten, I felt compelled to make a difference.
It is my dream that Happy Handmade be a resource for harmonizing your Body, Mind, and Spirit. Happy handmade products are made by hand, from scratch, using simple organic ingredients in the Pacific Northwest.
Our goal is to help you find a simply pure product, while enhancing feelings of confidence and beauty… naturally.
So dive in and find your Happy place!
Happy Handmade is a vendor in our December 12th Virtual Market! See them LIVE on their Instagram (@happyhandmadeproducts) on Sat, Dec 12th from 1:30 - 2:00 showing their limited edition holiday items! And be sure to check out their website as well!

Each of our vendors will be LIVE on their own Instagram for at least 30 minutes on Saturday, December 12th during the Virtual Market from 11am-2pm PST! Check out the schedule below! Click on the Instagram links to visit each person's live segment. And be sure to check the @craftywonderland Instagram page throughout the event. We will be highlighting our artists and posting about the happenings!
SATURDAY, December 12th
11:00 - 11:30 am
33 Books Co. - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @33booksco
Live studio tour.
Albina City Nuts - food/candy - Instagram: @albinacitynuts
Facility tour and demo.
Altar PDX - clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @shop_altar
Mock QVC home shopping network.
Amy Wing Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @amywingdesigns
Studio tour & showing you the newest collection paired with fan favorites. I have created a new charm with all profits going to Feeding America.
Attic Journals - cards/books - Instagram: @atticjournals
Unboxing new discards for immediate purchase! Plus, studio tour!
Berkley Illustration - art/prints - Instagram: @theberkleys
We'll have a booth set up and give you a tour of our giftable goods!
Bossa Nova Dreams - home decor/plants, jewelry - Instagram: @bossa_nova_dreams
Showing and selling new work in a pre-recorded video posted to Instagram. 20% of sales donated to ACLU of Oregon.
Bread and Badger - ceramics/glass, home decor/plants - Instagram: @breadandbadger
Showing my production process while answering questions about sandblasting.
Calley Fine Papers - home decor/plants - Instagram: @calley.finepapers
We will do a glitter tutorial on how to glitter your own trees! Donating a percentage of sales to NXNE health clinic.
carter & rose - home decor/plants, ceramics/glass - Instagram: @carterandrosepdx
A Carter & Rose studio tour of the start to finish wall planter process.
Chicken Coop Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @chickencoopbotanicals
Holiday gift tour, a bitters "tasting" and a lip love segment. Donating 20% of sales to Equitable Giving Circle.
Christa Pierce Paper Goods - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @christapierce_papergoods
Studio tour and new product show and tell.
CORVIDOPOLIS - art/prints, clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @corvidopolis
Live Drawing-to-Screen Printing Demo!
Doernbecher Children's Hospital Sophie's Chapter - accessories, ceramics/glass - Instagram: None. Please visit website.
Christmas ornaments: all funds for Doernbecher Children's Hospital research.
Factory 43 - art/prints, clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @factory43design
Live process demo / Q&A. Donating 10% of poster sales to the National Park Foundation.
Hot Mama Salsa - food/candy - Instagram: @hotmamasalsa
Cooking Live with Hot Mama Salsa.
Jeanette Zeis Ceramics - ceramics/glass, home decor/plants - Instagram: @jeanettezeis
Studio tour - wheel throwing demonstration - live pottery decorating - AMA.
Lettie Jane Makes - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @lettiejanemakes
I'll be pulling tarot cards, showing my calendar and talking about art. Donating all proceeds from "Love Yourself" stickers to Black Resilience Fund.
Little Canoe - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @little_canoe
A tour of my van studio and describing what it's like to work from the road.
Make & Mary - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @themakeandmary
Studio Tour! Showing a few of our new CBD products for wellness & beauty.
Marika Paz Illustration - art/prints - Instagram: @marikapaz
Studio Tour and painting/drawing demo.
Melted Porcelain - ceramics/glass, jewelry - Instagram: @meltedporcelain
Presenting our perfectly gift-able, ready to ship collection of jewelry!
Mle Jay - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @mlejay
Join M.L.E. live as she paints an original watercolor artwork ornament! 10% of print and sticker sales to the Sierra Club.
OLIOTTO - accessories - Instagram: @oliotto
Painting, Printing or Holiday Craft Demo.
Piper's Crochet - knit/crochet items - Instagram: @piperscrochet
Meet the maker: show and tell of new happiest collection!
Plant and Pattern - art/prints, ceramics/glass - Instagram: @corinnelent
Live Sketchbook Drawing/Painting-Topic: How do we find our 'style'?
Rough Cut Soap Co. - bath + body - Instagram: @roughcutsoapco
Tour of our commercial kitchen and retail shop. Auctioning off a gift box to benefit Give A Little Foundation.
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
20 Leagues - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @20leagues
DIORAMA THEATER PRESENTS: The (scale-model) 20 Leagues Shopping Network! A portion of proceeds will be donated to the incredible, edible Oregon Food Bank.
Alshiref Design and Print - accessories, clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @alshiref_design
Studio tour and selling new collection. Donating 14% to NAACP PDX.
dorklandia - jewelry, plush - Instagram: @dorklandia
Showing cat plushies and new accessories!
Easy Sunday Club - art/prints, children's items - Instagram: @easysundayclub
Showing my 2020 best sellers: Calendar, Baby Blanket, Art.
Final Switchback - art/prints - Instagram: @final_switchback
Live ornament painting.
Funky Knits by Georgia - accessories, plush - Instagram: @funkyknitsbygeorgia
Unboxing DIY knitting kits, showing plushies, hats, cacti, and gift ideas.
Hustle Home Décor - home decor/plants - Instagram: @hustlehomedecor
Studio and product tour with not-yet listed pieces available to purchase!
Ilee Papergoods - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @ileepapergoods
Showing and selling our newest calendars.
Iron Oxide Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @ironoxidedesigns
Crafty Wonderland in my apartment - Live Sale + fast shipping! 25% of DEC profits go to Black Resilience Fund.
Mle Jay - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @mlejay
Join M.L.E. live as she paints an original watercolor artwork ornament! 10% of print and sticker sales to the Sierra Club.
Oomph Cooking Blends - food/candy - Instagram: @oomphcooking
Fun recipe hacks, making a delicious holiday classic using Oomph!
Plant and Pattern - art/prints, ceramics/glass - Instagram: @corinnelent
Live Sketchbook Drawing/Painting-Topic: How do we find our 'style'?
Pursuesilver - jewelry - Instagram: @pursuesilver
Showing my jewelry for great gift ideas for yourself or others.
Sherry Bingaman textiles - accessories, kits/patterns - Instagram: @sherrybingaman
Demonstration with my Fiesta Loom weaving kit! Project suggestions, too!
Sunny Cat Designs - clothing/t-shirts, home decor/plants - Instagram: @sunnycatdesigns
Visit Sunny Cat Designs virtual pop-up shop!
Theresa Arrison - ceramics/glass - Instagram: @tarrison13
Carving a variety of ceramic goodies. Donating 20% to Crafting the Future.
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
A Tea Leaf - accessories, jewelry - Instagram: @atealeaf
I'll be doing a live Q&A, jewelry making, and studio tour! Come say hi! Donating 10% of sales of my Portland Map jewelry to Taking Ownership PDX.
Chicken Coop Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @chickencoopbotanicals
Holiday gift tour, a bitters "tasting" and a lip love segment. Donating 20% of sales to Equitable Giving Circle.
Color Therapy Glass - ceramics/glass, home decor/plants - Instagram: @color_therapy_glass
Making a simple stained glass window from start to finish.
Elise Miller Art - wood housewares/furniture - Instagram: elisethedado
Carving demonstration and showing how to carve a wooden spoon.
Fernworks - art/prints, jewelry - Instagram: @fernworks
Showing off new artwork and jewelry in my studio. Donating 10% of sales to
Illustrated Playing Cards - art/prints - Instagram: @illustratedplayingcards
Studio Tour and Travel the World by Playing Card.
Marshall's Haute Sauce - food/candy - Instagram: @marshallshautesauce
Demonstrating how to put together quick and easy holiday snacks and gifts. We will donate a portion of our sales to Equitable Giving Circle.
Marshmueller - accessories, children's items - Instagram: @marshmueller
Holly will be going live with a studio tour & sewing some of her products. Donating a percentage of sales to The Harbor in Astoria.
Maryn Leigh Jewelry - jewelry - Instagram: @marynleighjewelry
Showing and selling my newest collection of one-of-a-kind stone jewelry. 20% of all Landscape Pendant sales will be donated to Oregon Wild.
Melted Porcelain - ceramics/glass, jewelry - Instagram: @meltedporcelain
Presenting our perfectly gift-able, ready to ship collection of jewelry.
OTTI (formerly SaltyandSweet Design) - home decor/plants, jewelry - Instagram: @ottigoods
Let's get MODULAR: Customize your own earring design live with Andrea!
Rachel Austin Art - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @rachelaustinart
Studio Tour! Showing holiday best sellers.
Rachel Beyer Artist Apothecary - art/prints, candles - Instagram: @rachelbeyer
Showing how to decorate a candle. Donating 20% of sales to Equitable Giving Circle.
Rosemary, Salt + Thyme - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @rosemarysaltandthyme
Live from our studio, showing all of our products, holiday gifts + Q & A. Auctioning a special bundle + donating the proceeds to the Oregon Food Bank.
Seagrape Apothecary - art/prints, bath + body - Instagram: @seagrapeapothecary
Self-care tour! Using a variety of goodies in daily pleasure rituals.
Studio Catawampus - art/prints - Instagram: @studiocatawampus
Live colored pencil demonstration. Donating 20% of sales to Don't Shoot Portland.
The Candy Apothecary - food/candy - Instagram: @thecandyrx
Candy kitchen tour and behind the scenes candy making. Donating 10% to the NW Chapter of American Red Cross.
The Rex Apothecary - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @therexapothecary
Join me as I make Spirit Element Candles with fresh flowers & herbs.
Tuesday Shop - clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @_tuesdayshop
Live virtual shopping from the Tuesday Shop headquarters.
Westward Whiskey - distilled spirits/wine - Instagram: @westwardwhiskey
Cocktail Class
Yarnarchy - kits/patterns, knit/crochet items - Instagram: @yarnarchy
Spinning and dyeing demo. Donating 10% of sales to Finney Farm Seed Distro.
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm
33 Books Co. - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @33booksco
Mixing up cocktails from my letterpress prints.
A Tea Leaf - accessories, jewelry - Instagram: @atealeaf
I'll be doing a live Q&A, jewelry making, and studio tour! Come say hi! Donating 10% of sales of my Portland Map jewelry to Taking Ownership PDX.
Lettie Jane Makes - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @lettiejanemakes
I'll be pulling tarot cards, showing my calendar and talking about art. Donating all proceeds from "Love Yourself" stickers to Black Resilience Fund.
Olander Earthworks - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @olanderearthworks
We'll share our favorite new packages and give you a peek into our studio!
Portland Bitters Project - distilled spirits/wine, food/candy - Instagram: @pdxbitters
We'll make two of our favorite drinks! Special ingredients, special guests! Auctioning off a cocktail basket to benefit Higher Heights Leadership.
Totinette bijoux - jewelry - Instagram: @totinette_bijoux
Showing and selling my newest designs and my top picks for holiday gifts! Donating 20% to Black United Fund of Oregon.
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
33 Books Co. - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @33booksco
Mixing up cocktails from my letterpress prints.
Adrienne Vita - art & crystals - art/prints - Instagram: @adriennevita
Show & sell of art & crystals with live Oracle & Tarot reading too!
Branch+Barrel Designs - jewelry - Instagram: @branchandbarreldesigns
Showing and selling our new line of jewelry and discusing our process. Buy one plant one tree! One tree planted per item sold.
Chicken Coop Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @chickencoopbotanicals
Holiday gift tour, a bitters "tasting" and a lip love segment. Donating 20% of sales to Equitable Giving Circle.
Dancing Heron - art/prints, clothing/t-shirts - Instagram: @dancingherondesign
Join JD in their studio to see what they are test printing.
Hi, Hello There - accessories, art/prints - Instagram: @hihellothereco
Live drawing!
Hustle Home Décor - home decor/plants - Instagram: @hustlehomedecor
Studio and product tour with not-yet listed pieces available to purchase!
Jahna Vashti Fine Art - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @jahnavashti
Let's have a cocktail in my studio, play some old timey tunes & discuss art.
Le Noir Bleu Aromatherapy - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @lenoirbleu
Answering questions about plant medicine/magick and phases of the moon. Donating 10% of ALL sales to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network.
Melted Porcelain - ceramics/glass, jewelry - Instagram: @meltedporcelain
Presenting our perfectly gift-able, ready to ship collection of jewelry.
Momo Cocoa Co - food/candy - Instagram: @momo_cocoa_co
Cocoa demos, history of cocoa, and ask me anything.
Red Star Art - art/prints, jewelry - Instagram: @theamazingjustus
I will be chatting in my studio while making pompoms out of recycled yarn.
Roman Ruby Botanicals - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @romanrubybotanicals
Showing & talking about my new luxury line of candles. Making skin therapy. Donating 20% off proceeds to The Black Resilience Fund.
Rootbound - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @rootboundprints
Studio/product tour and demonstration. Donating 15% of sales to Oregon Food Bank.
The Paper Mama - accessories, jewelry - Instagram: @thepapermama
Join me on Instagram too see how I create my beaded earrings!
Tripper Dungan - accessories, art/prints - Instagram: @tripperd
Artwork showcase and painting/mumbling ASMR.
Twofour Manufacturing - art/prints - Instagram: @kenntwofour
I will be doing a studio tour and screenprinting on wood demo.
Victoria Buchler Ceramics - ceramics/glass, home decor/plants - Instagram: @victoriabuchler
Come hang out with me in my studio while I throw pots on the wheel!
Willow Ship - home decor/plants, purses/totes - Instagram: @willowship
Showing our Fall line of block printed textiles + printing demos! Donating 10% of sales to Portland's Black Resilience Fund.
xobruno - accessories, purses/totes - Instagram: @xobruno
Studio Tour! Donating 10% to New Avenues Art Mentorship program for homeless Youth.
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
33 Books Co. - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @33booksco
Studio tour first, then I'll mix up cocktails from my letterpress prints.
Adrienne Vita - art & crystals - art/prints - Instagram: @adriennevita
Show & sell of art & crystals with live Oracle & Tarot reading too!
Art by Ciara - accessories, art/prints - Instagram: @artbyciara
Meet the artist and see my newest designs! Donating 10% to Feeding America to help food banks feed our communities.
Botica Botanica - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @botica_botanica
Showcasing gift sets and testing some lip & cheek tints! Donating 5% of sales to Don't Shoot PDX.
Goodos For Doggos - accessories, pet items - Instagram: @goodosfordoggos
Showcasing our products with a special appearance from our doggos!
Happy Handmade - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @happyhandmadeproducts
Showing our limited edition holiday items.
Kayla Burke Design - home decor/plants - Instagram: @kaylaburkedesign
Studio Tour & Live Showing of the Flora Crystals.
Little Gold Fox Designs - art/prints, cards/books - Instagram: @little_gold_fox
Q&A and a giveaway! 15% of sales go to BARK: Defending & Restoring Mt Hood National Forest.
makem takem - accessories, art/prints - Instagram: @nathan_mckee_art
Studio tour. Process talk. Showing new product.
Mister OK's Essentials - bath + body, candles - Instagram: @misteroksessentials
New Studio!!! Tour + Giveaways. Come vibe with us!!!
Nicole Mark Photography - art/prints, home decor/plants - Instagram: @nicole_mark
IGTV Video Camera Show and Tell & Backstock Print Sale! 10% of direct sales donated to Cascadia Wildlands.
Rose Roots Design Studio - ceramics/glass, jewelry - Instagram: @roserootspdx
New Stock Show and Tell.
Sage & Sea Shrubs - food/candy - Instagram: @sageandseashrub
Cocktail and Cooking Time with Sage & Sea Shrubs! 10% of sales will go help COVID-affected Hospitality workers.
The Bitter Housewife - food/candy - Instagram: @thebitterhousewife
Cocktails/mocktails with The Bitter Housewife herself, Genevieve Brazelton.
Victoria Buchler Ceramics - ceramics/glass, home decor/plants - Instagram: @victoriabuchler
Come hang out with me in my studio while I throw pots on the wheel!