Month of Makers, Virtual Market, Wednesday Project
Wednesday Project: 2020 Detox Bath Salt by Happy Handmade

2020 Detox Bath Salt by Morgan Magras of Happy Handmade
Do you feel like you need to exorcise and detox 2020 out of your life for good? Well, you are not alone! While we still have a bit longer before this year is out of our lives, I’ve formulated this detoxifying bath salt to help your body reset, recuperate, and hopefully get rid of any bad juju it picked up in this trying year. Here is what you will need, I’ve included the percentages so it is very easy to scale, whether you want to make a small batch or enough for your whole city.
Epsom salt 30%
Himalayan salt 20%
Lavender flowers 10%
Calendula petals 10%
Oatmeal 20%
Kaolin clay 10%
Essential oils of your choice ( I picked Lavender, Lemon, and Pine)
Holy water (Optional)
Items needed:
Mixing bowl
Sachet bag
This bath salt is great for soothing and healing the skin too!
Put all dry ingredients in mixing bowl and mix thoroughly.
Add your desired essential oils. I found how much you should add is a personal preference. You can start with a few drops of each and go from there.
Put in a container (mason jars are great) and label.
There you have it, you are ready to enjoy your bath salts.
For easy cleaning up, I highly recommended using a sachet bag! Put 3 heaping tablespoons in the bag and put it in your bathwater. Most of the contents will dissolve but the flower petals will remain in the bag.
Essential oils, clay, sachet bags, and flowers

About Morgan:
I was given the opportunity, at a young age, to travel the world. I found myself enamored with the indigenous cultures that I encountered, and intrigued with their nature-based approaches to health, beauty, and body care.
The wonderful cultures in which I found myself immersed, used the simplest of methods with profound results. Learning hands-on approaches to harmonize, nourish, and heal the body has been an extraordinary gift in my life.
When I returned stateside and realized how disconnected society had become from nature, and how complicated and adulterated even “natural” products had gotten, I felt compelled to make a difference.
It is my dream that Happy Handmade be a resource for harmonizing your Body, Mind, and Spirit. Happy handmade products are made by hand, from scratch, using simple organic ingredients in the Pacific Northwest.
Our goal is to help you find a simply pure product, while enhancing feelings of confidence and beauty… naturally.
So dive in and find your Happy place!
Happy Handmade is a vendor in our December 12th Virtual Market! See them LIVE on their Instagram (@happyhandmadeproducts) on Sat, Dec 12th from 1:30 - 2:00 showing their limited edition holiday items! And be sure to check out their website as well!
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